September 15, 2021

What To Consider When Building a New School

What To Consider When Building a New School

When you’re designing a new school, you’re not just building a place for children to learn—you’re building a place for them to reach important milestones in their life. Children will meet their best friends, receive awards, and participate in clubs all while at school.

As you build the school from the ground up, consider the dual purposes it has in the life of a child—after all, they spend at least 12 years of their life attending school every week. This list of what to consider when building a new school will allow both students and faculty to thrive as they stay on top of their work.

The Security of the Building

Keeping kids safe as they learn is a major priority to keep in mind while you design and construct a school. Don’t forget to incorporate safety devices inside and outside of the school. This includes surveillance cameras, alarms, and secure doors.

Security threats can arise from anywhere—whether it’s an outside threat or a threat from Mother Nature herself. Your building may need more specific security needs depending on its location and the potential natural disasters that could strike.

The Comfort of the Students

If students feel uncomfortable while they’re attending school, they’ll have difficulty focusing on learning. Design each classroom to have plenty of natural light, so students don’t feel trapped in the building. Add cozy study areas around the school for students to use during study hall, before classes, and after school.

What to consider when building a new school doesn’t stop after you complete construction—you must also consider furniture in your design. As you begin to furnish the school, consider picking seats and tables that allow students to get comfortable rather than rigid seats that hurt them and their posture. A comfortable school, whether it’s a high school or an elementary school, will provide its students with a positive learning environment.

Create Multipurpose Spaces

To maximize the efficiency of the school, adding dual or multiple purposes to as many rooms as possible can give them a purpose even during their usual downtime. For instance, a school’s cafeteria shouldn’t just be a place for students to eat—it should also be a place for students to study, socialize, and hold club meetings after school.

Give the school library a similar treatment by adding multimedia rooms, reading nooks, and even a coffee bar to allow high school students to study as they would while at college. When students have the freedom to choose what to use a space in the school for, they can relax as they study for their classes.

When it comes to furnishing a new school to be comfortable, secure, and flexible, the experts at Martin Public Seating know just the furniture brands to help your team design the perfect modern space for students. With Palmer Hamilton cafeteria tables and booths, your school’s lunchroom will become a place that everyone looks forward to visiting, whether for lunch, study hall, or an after-school event. Consult us today to discuss your vision for your school’s design and get the assistance you need to finish the project!